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Tropical Beach
Image by Mockaroon



Finding Peace is a family business based on love for everyone and everything. The mind is the most powerful tool we have. It's the most creative tool we have. Sometimes we're so hard on ourselves, we can't find our inner peace anymore. So, Let’s find  peace together. Now a days we’re so busy, running around. We don’t take time for ourselves. And when we finally stop, we have so many thoughts. How to deal with them. If we practice finding peace all day long, it will help with this. Watch your breathing, focus on your breathe. Watch what your eating, eating more healthy. Watch how you react to your thoughts, how do they make you feel. Give thanks to God, Creator. Forgiveness is the key to inner peace. Forgive your thoughts and it will set you FREE. Meditation can produce a deep state of relaxation and a tranquil mind. Peace.

Image by Mockaroon

Specializing In

Healing The Mind Body And Soul,

Finding Peace Together,

Image by Mockaroon
Marble Surface
Building Homes

Finding Peace official

Let's find peace together

Finding peace is about working together. You don't have to do this alone. Let's find peace together. Talking and writing down all your thoughts. Everything that's on your mind. Then looking at them and Forgiving them. Then letting them go. The secret to peace of mind. Join us today.

Marble Surface
Friends Having Coffee

Home Visiting

Bringing peace to you

Bringing peace to you. If you can't get out, I will come visit you. I make hospital visits and home visits. I can help you find peace, no matter where you are. Willing to travel to help others. Make an appointment for me to come see you today.

Marble Surface
Marble Surface
Lifting Weights

Positive Motivation

Supporting you on your journey

Positive Motivation is about supporting each other on our journey in life. Working together, finding the balance of work and peace. Supporting each other to find our happiness. You don't have to travel alone on your journey in life. Your amazing, so proud of you. You can do anything. Keep up the amazing work. Have the greatest day ever. Love and Peace.
I look forward to working with you.

Marble Surface
Reiki Treatment

Energy Healing

Working with universal energy to help remove blocks

Healing touch or therapeutic touch is an energy-based approach to healing that involves using touch to influence the human energy system. Like other forms of touch therapy, it's meant to balance the body's energy fields in order to benefit the patient's physical, emotional and mental health.

Image by Mockaroon

My Inspirations


I AM Queen Romana Didulo

About Me

💛 @RomanaDidulo 💛 Head of State & Commander-in-Chief, Head of Government,  Queen of Canada / President of Canada This is my one and only #real account on Telegram.  All others are fake.

  • Screenshot_20220112-225213_edited
Telegram link
Queen Romana Didulo website

Tina Louise Spalding

About me

This channel has been created for you to access the channeled teaching of ANANDA, non-physical beings speaking through Tina Louise Spalding. This channel teaches only love, but it does propose some different ways of looking at ourselves and our society, so come to these broadcasts with an open mind and heart and be willing to listen before judging. We are here to assist in your waking process and offer these videos and the books Ananda is bringing forth towards that end.

  • YouTube
Tina Louise Spalding
Youtube Channel
Channeling Jesus & Ananda website

A Course In Miracles

A Course In Miracles (ACIM) is a unique spiritual self-study program designed to awaken us to the truth of our oneness with God and Love.


The Course is a self-study system under the guidance of our inner teacher, the Holy Spirit, towards awakening to oneself. Its emphasis is on the experience of healing our suffering, which is at its source a belief that we have separated from God and are in spiritual exile.

  • YouTube

The Course is a unique, spiritual self-study program designed to undo the illusion that you are separate in any way from God or your fellow humans. The Course systematically leads you to experience God’s Love in all your relationships through the practice of forgiveness (releasing the past), the willingness to receive and follow higher guidance.


Tina Louise Spalding
This channel is coming soon!
Rocky Beach
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